Things have been going pretty well here at camp. I worked four weeks of family camp in July and we are now in Staff Training. Family camp went really well. As part of working family camp each of us team members are paired up with a family each week and are their 'family assistant'. The Lord blessed me with some great families this summer that I truly enjoyed serving and getting to know. One of the things I love about serving in LA is being able to get in peoples lives. Not just on a shallow level but really going deep and talking about issues of the heart, getting to really know people & then just encouraging them in where their at. It was a blessing to build some good relationships.
After Family Camp all of the team members had to take a college class. LA brought in a professor from North Greenville University in Greenville, SC to teach us a semester course in one week! We took New Testament Survey. Those of you who know me well know college is not my thing! Although very challenging & a ton of information crammed in one week, now that the week is over I can say it was good & I did learn some things! Just in case you were wondering though, the Lord has confirmed once again that college is not what He has for me, at least at this point!
Each summer all of the staff at LA takes a week off to be refreshed. They bring in some speakers, worship leader & just take some time to seek the Lord and hear from Him for revival in our own lives, we call it Revival Week. This year they brought in Michael Catt, from Sherwood Church in Albany, Ga(The church that made the movies, Facing the Giants & Fireproof)Dave Butts, Chairmen of the National Day of Prayer, Kyle Martin, who is the radio host of a revival program in Texas & Josh Davis from Anchor! I believe if was one of the best Revival Weeks we've had since I've been here. The Lord truly met with us. Coming into the week I was dry & seeking direction for this next year and needing refreshment from the Lord. The Lord was faithful to meet with me. He opened my eyes to areas I haven't been faithful in and showed me some things in my heart that I didn't even know were there. One specific area was bitterness. I've heard plenty of messages on the subject and I feel like I worked through things but this week he showed me that I had been bitter at Him for my singleness. For as long as I can remember the desire for a mate has been on my heart. I've tried to work through it & really felt like I was content but the reality was the issue was always just beneath the surface. I'm so thankful the Lord opened my eyes and showed me the root of my sin. The root goes so deep that I don't know how I'll get to the bottom but by His grace I will get victory and I will not stay in the dungeon of bitterness I had put myself in.
"He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;" -Ps. 103:10-11
Please prayer that the work the Lord has started in me I will continue to seek Him for. Thank you for your prayers & support. God is at work.