Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

So, I'm not as good at keeping this thing up as I would have hoped. I'm sorry for all two of you that read this! I'm kidding!

Another year half way done. Crazy. This year I think has flown by faster than any other year and I have no idea why. About half the team is new, so it's seemed to take longer adjusting to new people and letting them learn the ropes and how things are done on the road. But within the last month or so the team has really started to jell, which was an answer to prayer. We pray as a team a lot, when we arrive in the mornings, before meals and before service. But in the last month or so we started praying for an alotted time during the day and it was amazing to see how the team really started to connect more after that. There is definitly power in prayer!

This has been a really good year. God has really used this team to challenge me in a whole new way. I've been challenged more this year to make my faith my own and pursue my relatonship with Christ in a deeper way. I know I say that every year but it's so true and each year more real in it's own way.

I really wanted to post some pictures but we've been having internet issues and it's not allowing me to upload them. But I will try to post some soon. Have a Merry Christmas!

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